2021-2022 CS4140 Lab Activities Timeline ======================================== This is a general plan that should not be followed to the letter, but is intended to serve as a general guideline. It lists the most important lab milestones. Note that the lab time should be used to perform the tests for which you *NEED* the Quadcopter. # Preparation (BEFORE 1st lab): ------------------------------- 1. Familiarize with HW -setup your toolchain -compile and upload the provided code 2. Protocol design and implementation on the flight controller board # 1st lab: ---------- 1. Familiarize with HW -connect joystick and execute js demo code (from resources page). -motor control 2. Test protocol 3. Implement manual mode # Preparation (BEFORE 2nd lab): ------------------------------- 1. Implement data logging 2. Test data logging # 2nd lab: ---------- 1. Demonstrate protocol 2. Test manual mode # Preparation (BEFORE 3rd lab): ------------------------------- 1. Implement calibration 2. Implement yaw control (DMP) # 3rd lab: ---------- 1. Demonstrate manual mode 3. Test calibration 4. Test yaw control (DMP) # Preparation (BEFORE 4th lab): ------------------------------- 1. Implement roll and pitch control (DMP) 2. Start on filters (Butterworth 1st order, Kalman) 3. Profile your code! # 4th lab: ---------- 1. Test and demonstrate yaw mode 2. Test roll and pitch control (DMP) # Preparation (BEFORE 5th lab): ------------------------------- 1. Continue work on filters (Butterworth 1st order, Kalman) 2. Implement height control 3. Implement wireless # 5th lab: ---------- 1. Test and demonstrate full control using DMP 2. Test Kalman filter 3. Test wireless 4. Test height control # Preparation (BEFORE 6th lab): ------------------------------- 1. Profile your code some more 2. Finalize full control using Kalman # 6th lab: ---------- 1. Test and demonstrate full control using Kalman 2. Preliminary demonstration + free advice 3. Fine tuning # 7th lab: ---------- 1. Formal demonstration and grading