This page provides the PowerPoint slides, handouts, and assignments used in the Master's course on Compiler Construction at the computer science department of Delft University of Technology. The course consists of 14 lectures, which cover most of the material presented in the Modern Compiler Design book, two practical assignments, which involve modifying and extending a reference compiler, and a final exam. In total the students are expected to put in 160 hours of work (lectures = 40, assignments = 80, exam = 40). The basic philosophy behind the course is that 'practice makes perfect', and students are encouraged to "play" with the material. For example, each 2 hour lecture contains many questions and some exercises to be completed (and evaluated) in the classroom.

The schedule for last year's course (2002):
lecture chapter topic slides handout
1 1 - 2.1.5 introduction + lexical analysis by hand ppt pdf
2 2.1.6 - 2.1.13 automatic lexical analysis (lex) ppt pdf
3 2.2 - 2.2.4 top-down parsing (LLgen) ppt pdf
4 2.2.5 bottom-up parsing (yacc) ppt pdf
5 6.1 semantic analysis (type checking) + assignment ppt pdf
6 3.1 AST processing, attribute grammars ppt pdf
7 3.2 AST processing, manual methods ppt pdf
8 4 - 4.2.4 code generation ppt pdf
9 4.2.5 - 4.4 code generation ppt pdf
10 6.2 - 6.3 context handling, types and activation records ppt pdf
11 6.4 - 6.5 context handling, control flow and modules ppt pdf
12 5 memory management ppt pdf
13 7 functional programs ppt pdf
14 8 logic programming ppt pdf
1-14 1-8 everything in zip format ppt pdf
Note that the slides were created on a Windows ME system with PowerPoint 2000.
In due time I will upload the revised 2003 slides.

The assignments (including the reference compiler) can be found here. Please contact Koen Langendoen directly for obtaining the set of test programs used to mark the practical work.