
A Modern Perspective on Safe Automated Driving for Different Traffic Dynamics using Constrained Reinforcement Learning

Danial Kamran, Thiago D. Simão, Qisong Yang, Canmanie T. Ponnambalam, Johannes Fischer, Matthijs T. J. Spaan, and Martin Lauer. A Modern Perspective on Safe Automated Driving for Different Traffic Dynamics using Constrained Reinforcement Learning. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp. 4017–4023, 2022.




The use of reinforcement learning (RL) in real-world domains often requires extensive effort to ensure safe behavior. While this compromises the autonomy of the system, it might still be too risky to allow a learning agent to freely explore its environment. These strict impositions come at the cost of flexibility and applying them often relies on complex parameters and hard-coded knowledge modelled by the reward function. Autonomous driving is one such domain that could greatly benefit from more efficient and verifiable methods for safe automation. We propose to approach the automated driving problem using constrained RL, a method that automates the trade off between risk and utility, thereby significantly reducing the burden on the designer. We first show that an engineered reward function for ensuring safety and utility in one specific environment might not result in the optimal behavior when traffic dynamics changes in the exact environment. Next we show how algorithms based on constrained RL which are more robust to the environmental disturbances can address this challenge. These algorithms use a simple and easy to interpret reward and cost function, and are able to maintain both, efficiency and safety without requiring reward parameter tuning. We demonstrate our approach in the automated merging scenario with different traffic configurations such as low or high chance of cooperative drivers and different cooperative driving strategies.

BibTeX Entry

  author =       {Danial Kamran and Thiago D. Sim{\~a}o and Qisong
                  Yang and Canmanie T. Ponnambalam and Johannes
                  Fischer and Matthijs T. J. Spaan and Martin Lauer},
  title =        {A Modern Perspective on Safe Automated Driving for
                  Different Traffic Dynamics using Constrained
                  Reinforcement Learning},
  booktitle =    {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
                  Intelligent Transportation Systems},
  pages =        {4017--4023},
  year =         2022

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